Post by Rudy CanozaPost by LeperI recommend that you trot your scrawny smelly little ass down to the bar
at the local VFW or American legion and inform them of this. Also
explain your draft dodging during the Vietnam war. Tell them that your
battle flag is brilliant yellow. Same color as the stripe on your back.
Being in the military - greasing the landing gear bearings on airplanes -
is not "service" to country. This is settled.
Rudy's problem (well, ONE of his problems) is that he can't use a
dictionary so he has no idea what "service" actually means.
He thinks that unless you actually bayoneted a Nazi in the heat of
battle, you weren't "serving" your country.
He's too stupid to understand that
(a) someone had to supply the soldier with a rifle and bayonet
(b) someone had to feed and clothe the soldier
(c) someone had to transport the soldier
(d) someone had to furnish and take care of all the equipment the
soldier uses
(e) someone had to decide where the Nazis were that needed a bayonet
in their guts
(f) someone had to train the soldier how to bayonet the Nazi
(g) and, yes, someone had to grease the bearings of the landing gear
on the airplane that carried the men and the equipment to where they
needed to be.
THIS is what's "settled."
Rudy never had to think of these things, since he was too short to go
into the service even if called upon. So he can pretend to be tough
when, in fact, if he was ever handed that bayonet, he would have
soaked his DCU's in urine, just like he's soaking his jammies right
Here are some examples of Rudy pretending to be "tough."
"You know I would demolish you in a fistfight."
-Rudy, in a final, desperate attempt to salvage his pride
after being pummeled senseless.
-Message-ID: <EfFpB.31818$***@fx44.iad>
"I'm a few years beyond retirement age"
-Rudy, 4/19/2020
Post by Rudy CanozaWhat's next- a fist fight challenge"
Sure, why not? Meet me at the Jolly Kone hamburger shack in
Bakersfield. I've dispatched a couple of other Usenet loudmouth fat
fucks in the parking lot there. I know the proprietor. If it appears
you've already suffered your stroke, I'll only use one hand to flatten
-Rudy, explaining his fantasy "fist-fight" victories.
-Message-ID: <U3SuB.25861$***@fx18.iad>
"You still haven't recovered from the ass-kicking I gave you at the
Jolly Kone, have you? <chuckle>"
-Rudy Canoza to doctor postalman, 11/18/2017, referring to
another imaginary "fist fight"
-Message-ID: <hr%PB.10409$***@fx41.iad>
"I tell you what. I'm about eight inches shorter than Shitbag [6' 2"]
Trump, and at least 80 pounds lighter,
and I would *love* to take the fat fuck on in a fistfight. He gets to
pick the *public* venue and the referee."
-5' 6" Rudy, declaring his wish to fist-fight the President
of the United States, by posting on Usenet.
Post by Rudy CanozaPost by LeperTrumpchev is such a vile bit of filth.
Why don't you challenge him to a fist fight?
I already have. It's legal, too. I even said he gets to pick the
referee and judges - not that they'll really have anything to do.
-A desperate Rudy, trying to claim his previous message was
where he "challenged President Trump to a fist fight."
Post by Rudy CanozaYou are fit for someone to slam a fist into your florid fat face.
-Rudy, losing another argument.
-Message-ID: <kB73D.209647$***@fx27.iad>
I would gladly pay $2,000 for the privilege of beating your fucking
face to a pulp in person.
-Rudy, losing again
-Message-ID: <ire3D.198667$***@fx15.iad>
...kleine klauschen, a cunt whom I *have* beat up with my bare
- Rudy, dreaming
-Message-ID: <fewfF.255710$***@fx08.iad>
"Rudy Canoza beat the living fuck out of me in the parking lot at
Jolly Kone burgers."
-Rudy, with another pathetic, impotent forgery
-Message-ID: <Rr5nF.88475$***@fx33.iad>
"On 10/23/2019 3:02 PM, kleine klausche, a runt punk whom I have
flattened, ineptly forged"
- Another desperate fantasy from Rudy.:
"I'd like to see some political violence aimed at *you*, you rancid
-Rudy losing another argument.
-Message-ID: <KJC2F.238959$***@fx34.iad>
"I can kick your ass, and you know it. You're old, small, infirm and
weak - a fucking speck of dust."
-Another impotent boast from Usenet's Favorite Dwarf, Rudy
-Message-ID: <lXqlG.35799$***@fx07.iad>
"I'm bigger than you and I can kick your ass."
-School-girl sized Rudy, puffing his chest out as far as it
will go.
-Message-ID: <KhFlG.47294$***@fx04.iad>
Fuck off and die, and give me your fucking address so I can come help
you do it.
-Our favorite dwarf, Rudy Canoza, coming out from under the
couch to bark.
-Message-ID: <oIGlG.2165$***@fx24.iad>
No, you fucking lying midget whom I could flatten with *both* hands
tied behind my back
-Rudy Canoza, attempting to destroy everyone's irony meter by
calling someone else a "midget."
-Message-ID: <AcjoG.152881$***@fx46.iad>
Fuck you and fuck every Hartung, and I hope you're all beaten to
-Rudy losing another discussion
-Message-ID: <rf7116$16bu$***>
Read it and *weep*, Schild, you squat-to-piss fairy whom I can - and
*will* - strangle with my bare hands:
-Rudy, displaying his impotent rage and gynaphobia in one
Message-ID: <rgngn8$1fa3$***>
Your kind need to be marginalized, preferably exterminated.
-Message-ID: <vz%fH.342246$***@fx36.iad>